Sunday, August 5, 2007

RAAM Route

Saturday 5AM I rode from home in Horsham, PA to Georgetown and met up with Mike Ridgeway, who also runs the Lancaster Dream Ride for local Charities, we rode out West on the RAAM route for 25 miles, crossed the Susquehanna River and turned around at a Restaurant at the Maryland border. The temperature averaged around 94 and sunny with high (93%) humidity. As we were leaving the Restaurant we heard a barking coming from a parked car in the direct sun with windows 3/4 up. One person was calling 911, but by the time the Police arrive the dog would be dead from the heat. I went inside the Restaurant and announced who owns a car in the parking lot with a dog locked inside? The entire restaurant got concerned, in fact one person came outside and was going to break the windows!! I found the family (who was ignoring me) and had them get the dog out of the car!!
It was very hot and no matter how much you drank dehydration was a factor. We stopped at just about every convenience store, of which there were not that many out in the back roads! This cost me a lot of time but I finished at 10PM with 225 miles and 12,700' of climbing.

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